Thursday, 16 June 2011


I just read an article in Yahoo

S’pore girls are materialistic: SMU study

Materialistic ==> a common word used on the female nowadays

To me, this is just another excuse for those 'not-so-well-doing' man failing to get a girl or wat-so-ever.

I been getting lots of guy frens telling me,
"Girls nowadays ar, so materialistic. They go after money-rich guys, they go after look-handsome guys.."
- My reply is always,
"Guys, from the past to now, never failed to be attracted by pretty girls, and some have evolved to only go after rich girls, so that they save their 10 years working life"

I do have a real story recently happened to my best fren.
Her boyfren (T) was laughed by his fren (J),
"Why do you choose to b with her(my fren), you could have retire 10 yrs earlier if you go back to your ex"

- Im wont say his fren is wrong, in fact, I think he is absolutely right. Well, however so, I just wana remind you guys, DONT YOU GUYS asking/hoping the same thing from us?
- where girls nowadays are materialistic? You guys?

Girls in the old days are NOT-materialistic, its just that they DONT get extra $$ to the family, they stay home, USING YOUR MONEY, they cook, take care of the children, take care of your parents, be a cleaner, a maid, as well as your 'free'-permanent sex slave. They wont say a single word if you're fuckin other women out there cz u feed her, you pay for her, so she's yours, an obedient her.

Girls nowadays, they take care of child, n sum got to take care ur parents(if any), and maybe some they dont, cz they pay maid to do so. BUT they work for the family, they earn $$ to ease your financial burden, you get a more luxury life together, they have the same education level as u, they are being raised the same way like your parents do. Same amount paid for education, same level of education, more expenses on their face n body to keep your 'facey', make sure people would jealous of you getting a capable/pretty wife...

Unlike the girls in the past, girls nowadays work for the family and not just the men.
Its fair, when Im telling you,
You want an obedient wife? You work harder and pay for your family, be a sole bread winner.
You want an helpful wife? You gotta stand the fact that she's not gonna be as obedient as the rest, cz she is a human being like you after all, we pay for something we want. and she just need her own enjoyment sometimes.
There is only 100%, dont ask for 51% when you already have 50%.

A word to be used as an excuse by a failure to console himself for not able in getting 1.
You want a NOT materialistic wife? Work harder and go any 3rd world country to get 1.
Free sex slave, free maid, free cleaning services including cleaning you.

Talk to me when you can survive without a single cent in this cruel world.
Blame me? Blame the world.

Few years ago, I was "mind-opened" when I was being taught of this sentence.
Until now, I'm still amazed and applying this to most of the people around me, especially my family.

"Men look for attractive women while women look for successful men."

I dont ask for anyone to understand or accept what Im writing here.
Cuz I believe in freedom of speech, remember, is speech not action.


Kido said...

Very true...those were just excuses...they're just putting the blame on people, for their failure.

owner's of no.152 said...

Second you view! So true!!!

JoeE said...

~thank you thank you~